Saturday, November 30, 2019

QC Logistics an Example of the Topic Business Essays by

QC Logistics Introduction Need essay sample on "QC Logistics" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed QC Logistics, a logistics and supply chain management company, is pilot testing IonData Lite in one of its facilities. IonData Lite is an off-the-shelf inventory tracking system which combines a PC and a handheld scanner. The Company has several requirements for its new stock control system, and among the systems it researched on, IonData Lite has the best fit. Summary Company Background QC Logistics, based on Waterford, is a business process outsourcer (BPO) for the logistics functions of several industries, particularly the pharmaceutical sector. As a BPO and by looking after peripheral aspects, QC Logistics allows companies to do their best. Clients trust QC to look after volumes of stock and ensure that stock is delivered just-in-time: if stock doesn't arrive and a production line is stopped, it could cost the client substantial amounts of money. QC Logistics started operations in December 1996, employed five staff, and operated in a single warehouse (5,000 sq. ft.). At the time the case was written, the Company was operating in several warehouses with a total area of 130,000 sq. ft, and was dealing more than 14,000 pallets of stocks a week. Our Customers Very Often Tell Us: I'm don't want to write my paper. Because I don't have the time Specialists propose: Academic Papers For Sale The Company's core businesses are those non-cores for its clients like stock management, just-in-time delivery and shipping. Its business is primarily focused in meeting the logistics needs of the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors, the Company did work for companies in other industries. But the Company maintains that the level of internal standards and processes required servicing a pharmaceutical client, the systems it has were more than able to meet the needs of clients in other sectors. As such, it is this sector and its needs that the company based its systems, a selection of a new system, the implementation of its systems, and roll-out of its systems on. Issue Due to the uniqueness of the logistics function of QC Logistics' clients particularly its pharmaceutical clients, the systems it has must be more resilient than those of the competition. At the end of the supply chain process and what is noteworthy is that the product QC was responsible for was going to be consumed by human beings. As such QC Logistics wants this, a better level of service, and improved efficiencies in it warehouses to be addressed by its stock control system. Undoubtedly, such a system and its implementation will cost QC Logistics a lot of money. Fortunately, the new stock system was part-funded with a grant from the Enterprise Ireland eBusiness Acceleration Fund. In choosing the new stock control system, QC's requirements include 1) the ability to manage stock in the warehouse, 2) provision of traceability, 3) had to be user friendly, 4) had to support integration of other systems, 5) support for bar coding, and 6) solid security. Action Taken QC Logistics chose IonData Lite. IonData Lite is an off-the-shelf inventory tracking system designed by Dun Laoghaire-based developer Ion Technologies. IonData Lite provides functionality on goods in, move and put away goods, bills and shipping, and stock checking. Also, the software allows QC Logistics to generate reports weekly. As such, the new systems benefits QC Logistics' numerous clients by promoting better efficiency, easier production of reports, and better stock traceability. While it benefits QC Logistics by reducing level of paperworks, allowing the Company to sustain a competitive advantage, easier reporting, and increasing customer confidence. In the implementation of the new system, IonData Lite, QC Logistics learned several things. QC Logistics thinks that these lessons are necessary in order for a successful system implementation and roll-out. These lessons are spending time on detailing the specifications this was considered as a fundamental part of the process, having a plan and involving everyone a clear outlined approach on the information technology project which should be led by a Project Manager is imperative, sticking to the timeline, and researching on alternatives before settling for any one system vendor. Having said all these, QC Logistics kept in mind the areas in their system that needed to be expanded on in the future. The Company wants to integrate its client stock systems with the IonData Lite system, develop a client extranet that allows direct access to stock inventory and reporting on an as-needed basis, and roll-out of the IonData Lite system across all the company's facilities. Recommendation 1 For any business organization, managing the supply chain "the flow of materials from suppliers through manufacturing, distribution, and sales" (Turban, Leidner, McLean effectively and efficiently is one of the sources of competitive advantages. However, for most companies this function is not always one of their core competencies. Hence, like the pharmaceutical clients of QC Logistics, it is always more efficient and effective for some to outsource this function. Supply chain management then becomes the core competency of the outsourcing partner. QC Logistics in looking for a system to fulfill all its current requirements, and still would allow for future expansion, can look at several supply chain management softwares available in the market. The SCM software allows QC to build functional systems that link all its facilities, ensure support functions, and connect with the company's supply chain partners and clients. SCM allows QC to connect it supply chain with the supply chain of its suppliers and customers ( and hence, it addresses one of the basic requirements of the Company: system integration. Recommendation 2 Radio frequency identification (RFID) "uses tiny tags that contain a processor and an antenna and can communicate with a detecting unit" (Turban, Leidner, McLean & Wetherbe, 2006, p. 30). RFID technology is not relatively new. It has been around since the 1970s ( In using RFID in improving its logistics' efficiency and effectiveness, QC Logistics can use passive RFID chips with small antennae attached to cases and pallets. When passed near an RFID "reader," the chip activates, and its unique product identifier code is transmitted back to QC's stock control system. With this system in place, when pallets are delivered to QC's clients' warehouses, RFID readers notify both QC Logistics and clients what products entered the facility, and where the products are stored. RFID will more than address the requirements of QC: traceability, error control, stock information, reduction in manpower, and FIFO stock rotation. Also, since RFID tags are unique, this would mean that it is possible to identify which stock might pass its expiration date first. Conclusion The success of QC Logistics lies in its capability to manage its clients supply chain: it must do this better than its competition. This ability is highly dependent on the system it employs. As such, care must be exercised in choosing what stock control system to use. IonData Lite substantially addresses the current requirements of QC Logistics, but I can't stop thinking that the Company might be jeopardising future growth by betting on such a very simple system. References Turban, E., Leidner, D., McLean, E. & Wetherbe, J. (2006). Information Technology for Management: Transforming Organization sin the Digital Economy (5th ed.). Massachusetts: John Wiley & Sons. ABCs of Supply Chain Management. Retrieved on April 7, 2007. Is RFID new? Retrieved on April 7, 2007.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Powerful Plots 3 Expert Tricks for Building a Story Arc - Freewrite Store

Powerful Plots 3 Expert Tricks for Building a Story Arc - Freewrite Store The Ingredients of a Story Arc Authors are often divided over the issue of whether to plan out a whole novel in detail or just start writing - but one thing that all writers agree on is the need for a powerful story arc. Your story arc is what gives your novel structure and makes it satisfying for your readers. Without it, you have a story that meanders around, getting nowhere, and it doesn’t matter how beautiful your prose is - without a story arc, you’ll leave your readers woefully dissatisfied. The Ingredients of a Story Arc If you consult a dictionary for a definition of a story arc, you’ll see something like this: â€Å"(in a novel, play or movie) the development or resolution of the narrative or principal theme† (Oxford English Dictionary). As something that develops and then resolves, the story arc has a shape to it - and the things that give it its shape are rising and falling emotion and tension, and character development. When these ingredients are used effectively, you have a powerful story arc that keeps your readers hooked - which is what every author (should) want. As far back as Aristotle (4th Century BCE), the great writers have understood that the formula for an effective story arc involves a beginning, a middle and an end. The beginning sets the scene and introduces the characters and theme of the novel. The middle builds the tension and increases the emotional investment from the reader. Finally, the end provides a resolution. It doesn’t have to be a complete resolution (although some readers prefer that), but there does need to be some kind of resolution. Expert Advice on Creating a Powerful Story Arc 1. Build Your Story Arc with the ‘5 Ws’ Every writer should be familiar with the 5 Ws - Who, What, Where, When and Why - but you may not have realized how much power they can wield when you’re building your story arc. To get the most out of the 5 Ws, you need to ask yourself a set of questions that will guide the way that your plot develops: Who Questions: Who are your protagonists and how might they grow or diminish to create tension Who are your antagonists and how will their development impact on the narrative and your protagonists? Who in your cast of characters do you want your readers to sympathize with most - and how might subverting this create tension in your story arc? What Questions: What motivates your characters, and how might these motivations be challenged in the course of your story? What impact might misguided motivations have on your character - and how can this be used to create tension? Where Questions: Where does your story take place, and how might unexpected changes in setting cause difficulties for your characters and build the tension in your story? When Questions: When in your story’s timeline would it be most effective to raise the tension? When might your readers be least likely to expect something to occur that can build emotion and tension? Why Questions: Why will your readers be emotionally invested in your story - and how can you subvert this as part of your story arc? 2. Don’t Be Afraid to Break from Tradition There are, of course, different types of story arc - and while the rise-then-fall formula is one of the most popular formulas in use, there are also a number of archetypal plot arcs that have been successfully used by writers over the centuries. In fact, using an archetypal story arc can give your novel’s plot a lot more power since it breaks from what many readers come to expect. If you want to try using an archetypal story arc, you have five different options to choose from - according to researchers from the University of Vermont and the University of Adelaide. These have been classified into types of narrative: Rags to riches (rise) Riches to rags (fall) Man in a hole (fall then rise) Cinderella (rise then fall then rise) Oedipus (fall then rise then fall) A lot of these story arcs are based on taking your readers on an emotional journey. Rags to riches stories, for example, gain reader investment by creating a character that can be sympathized with and create a positive emotional journey of escaping hardship, which resolves with a typical happy ending. These types of stories are really popular - because they create a sense of hope and fairness. However, rags to riches stories have been so overused that readers are now demanding more, and the Oedipus type of story arc is the one that readers seem to reach for the most, closely followed by Man in a Hole story arcs. It can be helpful to create a visual representation of the different types of archetypal story arcs to help you plan these developments into your plot. For example, a visual representation story arcs in the study mentioned above looks like this: (Top Row, left to right: Rags to riches; Man in a hole; Cinderella Bottom Row, left to right: Riches to rags; (Icarus - the traditional rise-then-fall); Oedipus (Credit: Reagan et. al/ University of Vermont) With a visual representation of your story arc, it’s easy to plot on the main events in your story and uncover more opportunities for creating high emotional stakes. If you’re not one for detailed plot outlines, a visual story arc allows you to keep your writing following the story arc without having to plan out every chapter or scene. 3. Exploit the Power of Sub-Arcs Depending on the length of your story or novel, building sub-arcs, or lesser arcs into your story can be really effective. These sub-arcs can be in addition to, or as part of, your main story arc. For example, if you’re opting for a traditional rise-then-fall story arc, you could have a sub-arc that is based around a different theme in your story that follows more of a rise-then-fall-then-rise or fall-then-rise-then-fall format. Using sub-arcs helps you to build a stronger dramatic structure into your story and is really effective in keeping your readers on the edge of their seats as they read. There are a lot of benefits to using sub-arcs in your stories, too. For example: You can create different types of tension at different points in the story - for example when the tension is lessening in your main story arc, you could build tension in a sub-arc to maintain your readers’ engagement. You have more opportunities to develop your characters and make your readers more invested in them. You can create multiple situations where it seems like your characters have everything to lose - which creates even more dramatic tension. When you’re using sub-arcs, creating a visual outline of your novel is pretty crucial. Building sub-arcs into your story can be complex, so it’s important that you’re able to see where you are in both the main story arc and your sub arcs - or you could end up with a mess instead of a defined arc. It’s these kinds of muddled middles that put readers off and leave them frustrated - so don’t skip creating a visual outline of your arc and sub-arcs. Plotting your arcs and sub-arcs on graph paper or using an app on your computer or phone can be done relatively quickly - and as your story develops it’s easy to make adjustments and add more details onto your diagram as you go along. This way, you’ll avoid the problem of adding too many sub-arcs or too many points of tension and keep a clear dramatic structure in your story. There are plenty of story arc templates you can download online, like this one:    Wielding the Power of Story Arcs Whatever type of fiction you write, whether it’s science fiction, literary fiction, crime and thrillers, horror or anything else, you need to start plotting using story arcs. Your readers will thank you for it - and your readership will grow, too. Story arcs are a simple tool that can make the difference between a good story and a great story. Many authors who don’t like to plot their novels in advance see story arcs as restricting their creativity - but in fact, story arcs can fuel your creativity, allowing you to visually see more opportunities for developing characters and building tension. You don’t have to do a detailed outline to use story arcs, and you’re sure to find that rather than being restrictive, story arcs give you the structure that you need to unleash your creative juices onto the page.       About the author: Ariella is an experienced copywriter, editor, and digital marketing consultant. Driven by a passion for writing and content creation she takes pride in producing articles that deliver the latest information in an engaging manner and marketing campaigns that deliver exceptional results. Ariella has a BA (Hons) in English Language and Creative Writing (First), an MA in Theology and Ministry, and is a published author of three novels and a bestselling non-fiction book. A creative at heart, Ariella has 14 years’ industry experience and always aims to keep abreast of current trends and developments. She lives in the UK with her three beagles Zeke, Hope, and Sandy, who always make life interesting.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Allowances Available to Members of US Congress

Allowances Available to Members of US Congress If they choose to accept them, all members of the United States Congress are given various allowances intended to cover personal expenses related carrying out their duties. The allowances are provided in addition to the members’ salaries, benefits and allowed outside income. The salary for most senators, representatives, delegates, and the resident commissioner from Puerto Rico is $174,000. The Speaker of the House receives a salary of $223,500. The president pro tempore of the Senate and the majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate receive $193,400. The pay of members of Congress has long been a subject of debate, confusion, and misinformation. Members are paid a salary only during the terms for which they are elected. They do not, as has been widely claimed in social media, receive â€Å"their full salaries for life.† In addition, members do not get additional pay for service on committees, and they are not eligible for housing or per diem allowances for expenses incurred in Washington, DC. Lastly, neither the members of Congress nor their families are exempt from having to pay off their student loans. The salaries of members of Congress have not changed since 2009. Article I, Section 6, of the U.S. Constitution, authorizes compensation for members of Congress â€Å"ascertained by law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States.† Adjustments are governed by the Ethics Reform Act of 1989 and the 27th Amendment to the Constitution. According to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) report,  Congressional Salaries and Allowances, the allowances are provided to cover official office expenses, including staff, mail, travel between a Members district or state and Washington, D.C., and other goods and services. Outside Earned Income Representatives and senators are allowed to accept up to 15% of their base salary in permitted â€Å"outside earned income.† Since 2016, the limit on outside income has been $27,495. Since 1991, representatives and senators have been prohibited from accepting honoraria- payment for professional services that are usually rendered free of charge. In the House of Representatives The Members Representational Allowance (MRA) In the  House of Representatives, the Members Representational Allowance (MRA) is made available to help members defray expenses resulting from three specific components of their representational duties: the personal expenses component, the office expenses component, and the mailing expenses component. Use of the MRA allowance is subject to a number of restrictions. For example, members may not use MRA funds to pay or help pay any personal or campaign-related expenses. Members are also prohibited (unless authorized by the House Ethics Committee) from using campaign funds or committee funds to pay for expenses related to official congressional duties; maintaining an unofficial office account; accepting funds or assistance from a private source for an official activity; or using personal funds to pay for franked mail. In addition, each member is responsible for paying any expenses that are in excess of the authorized MRA level or that are not reimbursable under regulations of the Committee on House Administration. Each member receives the same amount of MRA funds for personal expenses. Allowances for office expenses vary from member to member based on the distance between the members home district and Washington, D.C., and the average rent for office space in the members home district. Allowances for mailing vary based on the number of residential mailing addresses in the members home district as reported by the  U.S. Census Bureau. The House sets the funding levels for the MRA annually as part of the  federal budget process. According to the CRS report, the House-passed fiscal year 2017 legislative branch appropriations bill set this funding at $562.6 million. In 2016, each member’s MRA increased by 1% from the 2015 level, and the  MRAs range from $1,207,510 to $1,383,709, with an average of $1,268,520. Most of each members annual MRA allowance is used to pay their office personnel. In 2016, for example, the office personnel allowance for each member was $944,671. Each member is allowed to use their MRA to employ up to  18 full-time, permanent employees. Some primary responsibilities of the congressional staffs in both the House and Senate include analysis and preparation of proposed legislation, legal research, government policy analysis, scheduling, constituent correspondence, and  speech writing. All members are required to provide a quarterly report detailing exactly how they spent their MRA allowances. All House MRA expenditures are reported in the quarterly  Statement of Disbursements of the House. In the Senate The Senators Official Personnel and Office Expense Account In the  U.S. Senate, the Senators Official Personnel and Office Expense Account (SOPOEA) is made up three separate allowances: the administrative and clerical assistance allowance, the legislative assistance allowance, and the official office expense allowance. All senators receive the same amount for the legislative assistance allowance. The size of the administrative and clerical assistance allowance and the office expense allowance vary based on the population of the state the senators represent, the distance between their Washington, D.C.  office  and their home states, and limits authorized by the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration. The combined total of the three SOPOEA allowances can be used at the discretion of each Senator to pay for any type of official expenses they incur,  including travel, office personnel or office supplies. However, expenses for mailing are currently limited to $50,000 per fiscal year. The size of the SOPOEA allowances is adjusted and authorized within the Contingent Expenses of the Senate account in the annual legislative branch  appropriations bills  enacted as part of the annual federal budget process. The allowance is provided for the fiscal year. The preliminary list of SOPOEA levels contained in the Senate report accompanying the fiscal year 2017 legislative branch appropriations bill shows a range of $3,043,454 to $4,815,203. The average allowance is $3,306,570. Senators are prohibited from using any portion of their SOPOEA allowance for any personal or political purposes, including campaigning. Payment of any amount spent in excess of a senators SOPOEA allowance must be paid by the senator. Unlike in the House, the size of senators administrative and clerical assistance staff is not specified. Instead, senators are free to structure their staffs as they choose, as long as they do not spend more than provided to them in the administrative and clerical assistance component of their SOPOEA allowance. By law, all SOPOEA expenditures of each senator are published in the  Semiannual Report of the Secretary of the Senate,

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Knowledge Management Plan for Dell Inc Case Study

Knowledge Management Plan for Dell Inc - Case Study Example Many businesses are rich in information or are able to create sufficient knowledge, but they fail to effectively share it with others or to utilize it for the overall benefits of the organization. Knowledge Management provides a management framework that helps create knowledge, share it with others and use it for the business to achieve its targeted goals (Christensen, 2003, p. 14). This paper is prepared as a report to be submitted to the CEO and management executives of Dell Inc outlining a Knowledge Management plan and useful KM strategies for the company to achieve greater competency in its business landscape. Dell Inc, a very successful fortune 500 company within few years, has recently implemented its ‘customization’ strategy for computer marketing with an objective of ‘collecting more accurate and reliable information from its customers’. This paper recommends a KM plan to Dell Inc to make use of information and knowledge that it gathers from customers to the overall benefits of the company. Knowledge is power. When it comes to a company, it is a powerful asset and critical factor to the business success. Many organizations have found effective knowledge management as an extremely useful management strategy that helps it adapt to the changes and modern requirements due to technological advances and helps gain competitive advantages. The KM is a recent development and new interdisciplinary approach to the Human Resource Management and it involves people, process and technology in an organization. This piece of research work presents a brief explanation of knowledge management and an overview of Dell Inc and it's business strategies to find an effective knowledge management plan for the company to help it gain better business outcomes.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Compare and contrast the difficulties International Maritime Essay

Compare and contrast the difficulties International Maritime Organisation (IMO) have faced and develop scenarios explaining why working at international level is a comprimise - Essay Example Through a process of closely coordinated efforts of its designated committees and subcommittees, it is responsible for rendering professionalized services in all safety aspects of maritime This also applies to the context of technical consultations and special problem solving, where the necessity of expert consultations are also required. Due to administrative and procedural delays, there are many aspects of marine endangerment which continue to plague international sea trade. These problems are difficult to contain even for a multinational agency under the aegis of United Nations Organisation. One underlying aspect that needs to be understood is that while the IMO is a regulatory body that adopts law making, it is for the individual countries to implement the proposed laws by changing their respective legislatures to accommodate the IMO directives. If this is not forthcoming, the very purpose of initiating laws would seem to be an exercise in futility. â€Å"The problem is that some countries lack the expertise, experience and resources necessary to do this properly. Others perhaps put enforcement fairly low down their list of priorities.† (International Maritime Organization, Frequently asked questions) The IMO was operationalized in 1959, within a minimum of 21 member states, but as of now, there are 167 Member States and 3 Associate Members. (IMO Member States 2002).Several governmental and non-governmental agencies (NGOs) also contribute immensely to the overall functioning of the IMO. It is constantly endeavouring for enhancing the safety and security aspects of movements on the high seas, especially in the modern era of international terrorism and oceanic piracy. The responsible role it now plays in world oceanic trade as an independent institution  is very commendable, and it is now believed to be one of the most useful, effective and progressive agencies of the United Nations Organisation. The importance of the performance

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Important Things in Life Essay Example for Free

The Important Things in Life Essay In life there are many things that we can get caught up in, but sometimes it is important to focus on the things that are really important such as family, friends and hobbies. By changing the focus in life from the every day hectic problems to these important things it is easier to survive the daily stress. Family is one of the most important things in life, because family members are the people who spend the most time with us and who help us through the stressful times in life. They are the people who understand and support us and accept us for who we are. Friends are another important aspect of life, because friends keep us grounded and can share the secrets we do not want to share with our family. They share many of our experiences and our dreams. Friends are important, because they are the people who choose to be around us. One additional thin that helps us deal with stress is to spend time with the things we enjoy such as studying or creating art. Everyone has some kind of thing they enjoy that can take the stress of the day away if the person takes the time to enjoy them. Every person needs to set priorities in life and take the time to enjoy the things that are important. The things like work, school and life will still be there the next day, but after taking time to enjoy a little time they will be easier to face. It is important for our overall health to take time out for the things we enjoy in life. Patterns in Art Anyone who is creative is fascinated with art. Personal studies in art are a way to learn about the world in which we live. One of the first and most basic studies in art is the use of repetition to form a pattern. It is human nature to group things together that appear to belong together. It is a skill most children master by the age of three. We must be able to group objects and text together, in order to make sense of the world or at the very least learn to read. Words are simply grouping letters together in a pattern devised by someone else. We learn to group things first by sorting out the items that look alike (squares in one pile, circles in another). As we get older, the sorting mechanics become more complicated, but the premise remains the same. We still sort items by what seems to go together. Some ways to do this are by drawing lines to section off groups, using color to blend the groupings, or simply by the use of spacing to separate groups. Repetition helps create unity giving the viewer a sense of completion. Use a quilt for example, one quilt block is interesting to see, but it doesn’t look complete, until you add on the other blocks. This helps if a design appears to need something to make it look complete, an artist can try repeating it. Similarity in shapes helps to create unity by playing to the natural human instinct that like things go together. Most people have an ingrained knowledge that stripes and flowers do not go together, but if you put big dots with smaller dots, it works. In order to make the design more interesting, the shapes could be changed somewhat (rotated, flipped, colors changed). This manipulation maintains the unity, but adds character. Again, a perfect example of this is quilt designs. They show ways that repetition and manipulation of shapes helps to make an interesting pattern (Rhine, 2004). Emphasis is created for many reasons maybe the emphasis is something of importance or interest. It may be the most creative part of the design or the part the artist is the most proud of. Placing the emphasis on a background that is either significantly darker or lighter than the emphasized item would make it stand out more. Coloring it in a bright, bold color makes it draw the viewer’s attention. Resources: Rhine, Marjorie, February 2004, Quilt Design Northwest, Retrieved October 25, 2006, from http://www. quiltdesignnw. com/ Art and Design What is the Difference? The first thing they teach someone in child psychology class is that children are not born with preformed ideas or images. Until a person sees something an image cannot be formed in that person’s mind. Therefore, if something has not yet been invented, its image could not yet exist. It may be true that the idea might exist (example. before Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, probably most people had the idea that a better way to communicate was needed. Until, it was actually in solid form; however the image of a telephone did not exist). People build upon current technology to generate ideas for new art or inventions. An example of this is how Henry Ford used the idea of the wheel and horse drawn vehichles to create the first car. Art is defined as â€Å"the product of human creativity† or â€Å"the creation of beautiful or significant thing† (Farlex, n. d) Design is defined as â€Å"To create a detailed plan of something. (Encarta, n. d. ). In short, art means to create and design means to create a plan. The relationship between the two are obvious Both use human creativity one requires a clear thought through plan, where as the other may or may not be planned. A person can throw a paint can at a wall and call it art, but it is not a design. Drawing an animated movie requires thought about what needs to be done to create the precise scene needed to create the illusion of movement. Both are works of art and the creative process, but only one has design. The relationship between design and art has remained constant throughout history. For many years there has been controversy between abstract artists, whose work rarely required a plan and those who have spent time painstakingly getting every detail of a face correct. Both have always called their work art and both have been correct. In graphic design, a plan is needed to either tell a story or portray a specific idea; therefore both the creativity of art and the preciseness developed through planning are necessary for success. Leonardo DaVinci was an artist who used design and spent up to a few years on one painting trying to get it right. He was born the illegitimate son of a lawyer in the town of Vinci in the Tuscan region of Italy (Beckett, 1994). He became one of the most well known artists to come out of the Renaissance period. He was known for his attention to detail, which keeps people looking at his artwork for a great deal of time and finding something new each time they look. He takes the stiffness out of paintings that were so common in his time and before, by softening lines and using shadow (Gombrich,). This art was not created without using a thought out plan, or design. Artists today are still trying to copy his paintings and his style, but none have exactly matched his detail. His art leaves one thinking about the importance of design and planning in art. References: Beckett, Wendy. Excerpt from â€Å"Sister Wendy’s Story of painting†, (1994). Retrieved October 2, 2006, from http://www. artchive. com/artchive/L/leonardo/monalisa. jpg. html Encarta msn dictionary. (n. d. ) Retrieved October 2, 2006, from, http://encarta. msn. com/dictionary_1861604032/design. html Farlex. The FreeDictionary, (n. d. ) Retrieved October, 4, 2006, from, http://www. thefreedictionary. com/art Gombrich, E. H. Excerpt from â€Å"The Story of Art†, (16th ed. 1995) Retrieved October 2, 2006, from http://www. artchive. com/artchive/L/leonardo/monalisa_text. jpg. html

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Athens and Sparta :: essays research papers fc

During the period of Greek history from the last years of the Persian Wars till the beginning of the First Peloponnesian War, the primacy of Sparta declined whileAthens was gaining increased influence in Greece. The Athenian, Thucydides (460-400 BC), one among few contemporary historians, left behind the most creditable records about this period. Although he did not give enough documentation for many events he described, his Histories remained the main resource of the facts from that time. In consideration of the fact that he was an Athenian and a participant of the Athenian army, future historians could not entirely count upon his writing. In the 480-479 BC there was great anxiety about the strength and magnitude of the Persian threat. Although the Greeks had managed to force Persians retreat from the Greek mainland, the danger of reconquest by the Persians was still present. In the battle of Plataea (479 BC), the Greeks, under the Spartan regent and general Pausanians, obliterated the Persian army. The Greeks also won a naval victory at Mycale. Although the war drugged on for many years, these two victories marked the end of the Persian threat to Europe and the beginning of the period of Greek greatness. The idea of panhellenism - the awareness of Greek unity- appeared as a reaction to the fear of the Persian invasion. This is how Persia helped the Greece to recognise their identity, which gave significance to the year 479 BC to be marked as the beginning of the Classical Greek period. At the other side, the year 479 BC does not represent a vital turning-point in politics. Sparta’s control over her allies was still unbroken. After the Greeks’ triumph on Plataea, when the fear of the Persian invasion decreased, the idea of the united Greeks started diminishing. Phthonos (envy) was what characterised the relationship between Sparta and Athens, and between many other city-states after the Persian Wars. Their rivalry was constant. The most important direct result of the wars was the establishment of Athens as dominant Greek naval power. This gave Athens the opportunity to create, in the years to come, an extensive empire over the newly won territories which had no parallel in earlier Greek history. A new political order emerged among the Greek states centred on the two great powers of Athens and Sparta that was to have a profound effect on later Greek history.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Domestic violence Essay

I declare that this assessment is my own work, based on my own personal research/study . I also declare that this assessment, nor parts of it, has not been previously submitted for any other unit/module or course, and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of another student and/or persons. I have read the ACAP Student Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy and understand its implications. Competency Assignments Task 2 – Case Study CHCDFV301A Recognise & respond appropriately to domestic & family violence CHCDFV402C Manage own professional development in responding to domestic & family violence NOTE: Read the case study below. Answer the questions listed below in your own words using the case study as the basis for your answers. Do not work or share answers with other students in this course when completing this assignment task. Assignment task 2: Due – Sunday 2nd February 2014 Case study – (approx 1200-1500 words) Case study You are a student support counsellor in a university. Judy, a first-year student of Aboriginal descent, comes to see you as she is struggling with her studies and says that she would like to talk to you about whether university is right for her. As you talk with Judy she tells you that one of the reasons she is struggling to study and finish her assignments on time is that she has had to take on extra work in the evenings and weekends to support her brother, who has moved in with her since he lost his job a couple of months ago. Judy tells you that she is happy to support her brother financially until he gets back on his feet but that it is difficult as she now needs to work the extra hours, as well as looking after the house and cleaning up after her brother and his friends, who spend most nights drinking and smoking in the house. Judy expresses concern for her brother who she says is very stressed since he lost his job and easily irritable. She wants to talk to him about getting another job and doing his share around the house, but she is anxious about doing so because he can get very angry. You notice that Judy has a cut on her head and some bruising on her arms but when you ask her about it she dismisses it, saying that sometimes her brother ‘talks with his fists’ and that she’s fine. 1.Explain your responsibilities as the counsellor in this situation. We must support, believe her, be nonjudgmental, have empathy and be congruent with Judy. We must not make judgements. Judy needs to know that this is not her fault and that there is programs and ways to help not just her but her brother, and this can be done without the police and him being put in jail, as this is the preferred way of her culture. Judy must be told about where we stand on confidentiality and let her know that in certain circumstance the counsellor has a legal duty to report. We must know our limitations on how we can help and refer Judy to the right place. 2. What legal issues  could be present in this situation? It is a criminal offence in Australia to be violent. However we have a duty of care and confidentiality that also needs to be considered. It is important to talk to clients who are experiencing domestic violence before reporting (if possible) so they feel supported rather than judged, this reassure them that they are not responsible for the violence but the abuser is. If the person is in immediate danger you must report it. Your organisation may have protocols and policies that address domestic and family violence that you must follow. All counsellors should be aware of domestic and family violence policies, this should be easily accessible at work. 3. What interrelated issues are present in this situation? Judy feels that she has a duty to support her brother as this is expected of her. Judy’s brother being unemployed, cultural expectations, having loss of self-esteem, having her brother be financially dependent on her and her brother having a drug and alcohol dependency are all interrelated issues. 4. What criteria would you use to assess risk in this situation? The primary rule of assessment must be to believe her, and start intervention, states Walker (1984, as cited in James, 2008). I would also need to assess, the severity of the situation, the client’s current emotional state, immediate psychosocial and safety needs, level of client’s current coping skills and resources. I would need to listen, be supportive, reinforce her right to her personal power and if Judy is safe in her environment, I would also inform her of what options and support there is for her. 5. What strategies would you use to help Judy? I would reassure Judy that it is not her fault, I would not make judgements about her situation or judge her on decisions that she makes. I would need to listen to what Judy has to say, be supportive and reinforce her right to take control and make decisions for herself. Letting her know that she can feel free to talk about her abuse. I would let her know that she is not alone and that there are others that have been in the same situation as she is in. I would help her to make a safety plan that she can put into action if needed. I would give Judy phone numbers that she can ring when she needs  to. Helping Judy feel safe and letting her know that she is not alone, will reassure her. 6. What cultural issues may you need to consider when working with Judy? I would have to consider Judy’s aboriginal background and the fact they we were brought up differently. We have different beliefs and cultures. I would need to be sensitive to Judy’s needs and cultural differences. 7. How might your own values and beliefs impact on your ability to work with Judy? How might you overcome these? I would need to make sure that I was emotionally and qualified to help in this situation. I need to make sure that I put my own values aside and not make judgements of Judy. I have to recognise my own limitations and to know when this is impacting on the counselling sessions. Being aware of my own perspective of the situation helps me to recognise my own biases and values. I could overcome them by talking to my supervisor, this will benefit me and the client. If I could not overcome my own values and beliefs I must refer the client, as the client would not benefit having me as a counsellor. I have to take into account of the law and any changes to legislation. 8. What aspects of this situation might a counsellor be required to keep records of and/or report on? I would need to keep records of her name, address, what happened, when it happened and what steps were taken. I would need to keep records of anything that may be used in a legal situation. If any police/medical reports were made. I would need to keep records of all domestic violence situations that I have been told about. 9. What referral options might you consider for Judy? Some of the options for Judy is the domestic hotline, aboriginal liaison officer, mental health, Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service, drug and alcohol centre. I would find out if they have women’s patrols and sobering-up shelters in her area, as this would take into account her aboriginal background and remove her brother from the home without putting him in jail, I could also find out if there is a program that would help â€Å"heal† the offender. I would also advise Judy of Centrelink and the housing commission, as she and her brother may not be aware of the help that they could receive from them. I would give Judy a list of organisations who she could ring if she needed to. I would also speak to my supervisor.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How does Fitzgerald tell the story in chapter 6 of The Great Gatsby?

Fitzgerald uses Nick to introduce the readers to the evolution of ‘James Gatz’ to Gatsby. Straight away Nick is telling the story in retrospect, once again which is an indication that the narrative is based more on his thoughts and interpretations than facts – meaning his reliability can’t always be trusted, and starts the chapter about Gatsby straight away and how there is an ‘ambitious young reporter’ on his ‘day off’ to question Gatsby. He is there to gain information from Gatsby about the rumours of him being a ‘German Nazi’ and his popularity over the recent summer. This is actually a use of foreshadowing because they are not there for Gatsby but to question his ‘accepted hospitality’ which is later seen in chapter 9 where people gather to reveal information about the ‘madman’ Wilson and the death of Gatsby, not actually Gatsby himself, just the role he plays. This chapter is not told in chronological order, due to Nick admitting he tells the anecdote of Gatsby’s past, first and Gatsby ‘told me all this very much later’ which means Fitzgerald decided to show the reader of Gatsby’s past of ‘unsuccessful farm people’ to another lavish party Gatsby throws so the reader understand how he got from point A to B. This is also part of Nick’s manipulating narrative because we are told how Gatsby ‘didn’t get it’ (the money from Dan Cody) which paints Gatsby is a good light because he built up his own wealth from not wanting to be a ‘janitor’ anymore. However, its also the work of Tom do we understand Gatsby and Nick aren’t being completely open about his wealth because Tom suddenly suggests Gatsby is a ‘bootlegger’ meaning Nick starts the chapter with an anecdote of Gatsby’s heroic attempt to save Dan Cody’s yacht but refuses the admit h e then later created his money from illegal behaviour. The main setting of chapter 6 is Gatsby house. However, it’s seen at day time and night. In the day time we see how Gatsby has guests who include Tom Buchanan are ready to leave. They invite Gatsby but end up leaving without him. This shows how Gatsby isn’t really anyone’s friend and that people really do use him for his ‘hospitality’ not friendship. This shows how ‘twilight’ contrasts against the ‘Sunday afternoon’ to show how Gatsby is polite and welcomes people into his home but no one will repay the favour. This, however, could be another manipulation made by Nick to get sympathy for Gatsby because this is all told in retrospect meaning when we hear how, in chapter 9, that Nick is ‘on Gatsby side and all alone’ he could be using previous chapters, like 6, to manipulate the past. Fitzgerald also uses motifs and colour to tell the story in chapter 6. This is conspicuous when Daisy says to Nick, ‘present a green card. I’m giving out green-.’ This is to show mouldy love because Daisy had previously said; ‘if you want to kiss me’ which Nick would not want to do because he does not love Daisy, meaning the ‘green card’ is a representation of mouldy love. However, it must not be forgotten that Gatsby looks at the dock for the ‘green light’ before reuniting with Daisy, which could be a suggestion from Fitzgerald to show how Gatsby’s and Daisy’s love has expired over the ‘5 years next November’ yet both of them are unable to admit it. This is also a use of foreshadowing because green can also represent freedom, freedom is actually what Tom and Daisy always seem to convey after something has gone wrong, meaning that they are able to move on swiftly after events, such as Gatsby and Myr tles death.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle What makes a childrens book so popular that by 2014, the 45th anniversary of its publication, more than 37 million copies had been sold and it had been translated into more than 50 languages? In the case of Eric Carles The Very Hungry Caterpillar, its the combination of wonderful illustrations, an entertaining story, and a unique book design. Carles illustrations are created with collage techniques. He uses hand-painted papers, which he cuts, layers, and shapes to create his colorful artwork. The pages of the book vary in size, which is part of the fun. The Story The story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a simple one that emphasizes numbers and days of the week. The caterpillar is not only very hungry, but he also has unusual tastes in food, ones that delight children. After popping out of an egg on Sunday, the very hungry caterpillar eats holes through the books pages as he eats his way through a variety of foods, beginning with one apple on Monday and two pears on Tuesday and ending with five oranges on Friday and 10 different foods on Saturday (chocolate cake, ice cream, a pickle, Swiss cheese, salami, a lollipop, cherry pie, sausage, a cupcake, and watermelon). Not surprisingly, the very hungry caterpillar ends up with a stomach ache. Fortunately, a serving of one green leaf helps. The now very fat caterpillar builds a cocoon. After staying in it for two weeks, he nibbles a hole in the cocoon and emerges a beautiful butterfly. For an entertaining explanation of why his caterpillar comes out of a cocoon rather than a chrysalis, see Eric Carles website. The Artwork and Design Eric Carles colorful collage illustrations and the books design add immensely to the books appeal. Every page has a hole in it where the caterpillar eats through the food. The pages for the first five days are different sizes, corresponding to the number of pieces of food the caterpillar eats. The page for the day the caterpillar eats one apple is very small, a little bigger for the day it eats two pears, and full size for the day it eats five oranges. Why Eric Carle Writes About Small Creatures As for the reason so many of his books are about small creatures, Eric Carle gives the following explanation: When I was a small boy, my father would take me on walks across meadows and through woods... Hed tell me about the life cycles of this or that small creature... I think in my books I honor my father by writing about small living things. And in a way, I recapture those happy times. Recommendation The Very Hungry Caterpillar was originally published in 1969 and has become a classic. It is a good picture book to own or to take out of the library frequently. Children 2-5-years-old enjoy hearing the story again and again. Babies and toddlers particularly enjoy the board book edition. Happily, you will enjoy reading it to them again and again also. Add to the fun by making a story sack to go along with the book. See directions for a variety of story sacks, including a story sack for on our  Family Crafts site. (Philomel Books, 1983, 1969. ISBN: 9780399208539)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

N.B. Meaning

N.B. Meaning Now, pay attention! Thats the basic meaning of N.B.  -   the abbreviated form of the Latin phrase nota bene (literally, note well). N.B. still appears in some forms of academic writing as a way of steering readers attention toward something particularly important. Two or three centuries ago, when classical Latin was widely taught in British and American schools, it wasnt unusual for Latin expressions to appear in English prose. For proof, pick up an American dollar bill and look at the Great Seal of the United States on the reverse (or greenback) side. There on the left, just above the floating eye and the unfinished pyramid, is the Latin phrase Annuit Coeptis, loosely translated as Providence has approved our undertaking. At the base of the pyramid is MDCCLXXVI (1776 in Roman numerals) and below that the motto Novus Ordo Seclorum (a new order of the ages). To the right, on the ribbon in the eagles beak, is the countrys first motto, E Pluribus Unum, or one out of many. Now thats a lot of Latin for a buck! But keep in mind that the Great Seal was approved by Congress way back in 1782. Since 1956 the official motto of the U.S. has been In God We Trust -   in English. As the Romans used to say, Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis (Times change, and we change with them). Nowadays, with a few exceptions (such as A.D., a.m., and p.m.), abbreviations for Latin words and phrases have become rare in ordinary writing. And so our advice regarding most Latin abbreviations (including e.g., etc., et al., and i.e.) is generally to avoid using them when an English word or phrase would do just as well. If you must use them (say in footnotes, bibliographies, and technical lists), consider these guidelines on how to tell them apart and use them correctly.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Home depot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Home depot - Essay Example Home Depot had been doing quite well in growing from 1 to 1,000 big box stores in 21 years. It reached the $40 billion faster than anyone ever has (Charon, 2006). Their success was tied to the fact that they seemed like a warehouse, including the fact that they were cluttered and their lighting was not great. Their culture was one of having a huge inventory would sell a huge inventory. Store managers did pretty much what they wanted to do and there was very little in the way of consequences to pay. In fact, most of these managers did not know whether they were doing well or not. This is the atmosphere and culture that Robert Nardelli walked into. He seemed to be direct opposite of the culture that was presently within this corporation. He used techniques from his leadership style that very much mimic what Schein would say would work. He decided to first go to the core of the beliefs that Home Deport management had. This according to Shien is where the overall assumptions that employees and management have about their organization. In this case Home Depot thought they were successful and that that success was built upon the casual attitude they had, including how their stores were run. However, it's share price was dropping and the competition was doing well. Mr. Nordelli also wanted to extend services which Home Depot had seen themselves as a big box business that mostly men visited. To make this happen, Mr. Nordelli had to tackle the other two layers. The values of this company have been that the management team was had made all their own decisions regardless of what the corporation thought, sometimes sabotaging deals they did not agree with. They had previously been very autonomous. He changed this by giving them information that blatantly showed what their own production looked like and how successful they were. He then held them accountable for their own performance with the expectation that it would improve and the values of those who stayed began to change. They actually became a very cohesive group. Those things that Shein (2009) would call artifacts included those things such as a messy story with little signage and heaped product. One visit to Lowe's gave them new insight as to where their artifact was headed. Women were shopping at Lowe's as well as men and they were talking about the new big box everywhere. This had to change and the only way the new leadership would see that is to be confronted and they were. However, Nordelli was just the beginning for Home Depot. When Nordelli left, Donovan arrived. He found that though some things had been tightened up there was a long ways to go. He found that managers were not as accountable as they seemed and they were getting excellent reviews even when their stores were failing. He also saw that there were different standards according to where the store was. He put into place a culture change toolbox which many corporations have picked up to use at this stage. The culture toolbox (Charon, 2006), included new artifacts such as data templates, reviews and conference calls, new values which were driven through those artifacts and strategic and operating planning and Monday morning conference calls and new assumptions at the core brought on through all of the change that occurred through these changes. In conclusion, Home Depot was successful from the